Well, we started with beginnings and now here we are at the end. This will be the final post in a year of Foto Motivo. I hope you've enjoyed the photographic themes. As Porky Pig says, "That's all folks!"
It's that time of year again. It seems that the final two months of each year get rolled into a snowball that picks up size and speed as it races to the New Year. Still, I can't help but slow down just enough to get my annual fix of sights, sounds and smells of the season. And, for Christians, it's the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. Wise men still seek Him.
Since I've previously posted a "one" theme, it made sense to also post some group images. Look around you and you're most likely to see all kinds of collections, batches, sets, assortments and crowds. Anything grouped together. They're everywhere!
Footwear. Sometimes called "kicks" or "treads". Style or comfort? If you're fortunate enough to have shoes that look cool and feel great, then those are the perfect shoes for you. Those Shoes.
Flea markets and swap meets bring out a wide variety of not only interesting collectible merchandise, but also very unique people. I could easily spend a day at a flea market just people-watching, without buying a single item. It also amazes me how one person's junk is another person's treasure.
My life as a photographer began after the death of my sister in 1990. It was through her encouragement that I turned a hobby into a professional career.